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Statistics for quiz "Http status code questions"

Total preguntas: 39
Total de veces intentado completo: 5
Promedio aciertos: 3
Total de veces resuelto 100% correcto: 0
Tiempo promedio utilizado : 01:33
Tiempo quiz más rápido: 03:07
Pregunta más veces equivocada: What are the meaning of 412 status code?

Número de aciertos

Ranking top users

Username Points Take
josgilmo 4 00:00
paugalindo 3 00:00
gorkaio 3 00:00
Question Good Fails

What are the meaning of 100 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 101 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 200 status code?

4 2

What are the meaning of 201 status code?

6 0

What are the meaning of 202 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 204 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 205 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 206 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 300 status code?

2 4

What are the meaning of 301 status code?

6 0

What are the meaning of 302 status code?

2 4

What are the meaning of 303 status code?

4 2

What are the meaning of 304 status code?

3 3

What are the meaning of 305 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 307 status code?

2 4

What are the meaning of 400 status code?

4 2

What are the meaning of 401 status code?

4 2

What are the meaning of 402 status code?

3 3

What are the meaning of 403 status code?

4 2

What are the meaning of 404 status code?

5 1

What are the meaning of 405 status code?

2 4

What are the meaning of 406 status code?

4 2

What are the meaning of 407 status code?

1 5

What are the meaning of 408 status code?

4 2

What are the meaning of 409 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 410 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 411 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 412 status code?

0 5

What are the meaning of 413 status code?

1 4

What are the meaning of 414 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 415 status code?

0 5

What are the meaning of 416 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 417 status code?

4 1

What are the meaning of 500 status code?

4 1

What are the meaning of 501 status code?

2 3

What are the meaning of 502 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 503 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 504 status code?

3 2

What are the meaning of 505 status code?

0 5