josgilmo page

Statistics for quiz "HTTP Cache "

Total preguntas: 6
Total de veces intentado completo: 3
Promedio aciertos: 1
Total de veces resuelto 100% correcto: 0
Tiempo promedio utilizado : 29:07
Tiempo quiz más rápido: 58:14
Pregunta más veces equivocada: Which HTTP headers belongs to expiration cache model?

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Username Points Take
josgilmo 0 00:00
techiebcn 1 00:00
Question Good Fails

What is the correct way to render a ESI tag using HTML?

2 1

Which HTTP headers belongs to expiration cache model?

0 3

Which HTTP headers belongs to validation cache model?

1 2

Which HTTP status code must be returned if the cache is still valid ?

3 0

According to HTTP/1.1 what is the max value for Expires ?

0 3

True or False ? You can use both validation and expiration within the same Response.

2 1