josgilmo page

Statistics for quiz "Swift Quizz"

Total preguntas: 7
Total de veces intentado completo: 2
Promedio aciertos: 3
Total de veces resuelto 100% correcto: 0
Tiempo promedio utilizado : 00:00
Tiempo quiz más rápido: 00:00
Pregunta más veces equivocada: What is the output of this function? func foo() -> String { var x = "bar" guard let y = x else { return "foo" } if y == "bar" { return "fighters" } return x }

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josgilmo 2 00:00
Question Good Fails

Why strong references are not used for enums?

1 1

Given the following variable: var foo: [String?]. What type does foo.compactMap { $0 } returns?

2 0

What is the difference between Any and AnyObject?

2 0

What is the difference between weak and strong references?

1 1

What is the output of this function?

func foo() -> String { var x = "bar" guard let y = x else { return "foo" } if y == "bar" { return "fighters" } return x }

0 2

When this code is executed, what will the foo constant contain?

let foo = ["a", "b", "c"].map { [$0, $0] }

2 0

What output will be be produced by the following code?

for i in stride(from: 1, to: 6, by: 2) { print(i) }

1 1