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Statistics for quiz "Kotlin Basic Quiz"

Total preguntas: 15
Total de veces intentado completo: 2
Promedio aciertos: 4.5
Total de veces resuelto 100% correcto: 0
Tiempo promedio utilizado : 20:15
Tiempo quiz más rápido: 20:15
Pregunta más veces equivocada: Classes have a special method that serves as a blueprint for creating objects of that class. What is the method called?

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zmonx 0 00:00
josgilmo 0 00:00
Question Good Fails

Which of the following declares an unchangeable list of strings?

2 0

What will be the output of the following code?

2 0

The contains(element: String) function returns true if the string element is contained in the string it's called on. What will be the output of the following code?

val decorations = listOf ("rock", "pagoda", "plastic plant", "alligator", "flowerpot")

println(decorations.filter {it.contains('p')})

1 1

You can pass a regular named function (not the result of calling it) to another function. How would you pass increaseDirty( start: Int ) = start + 1 to updateDirty(dirty: Int, operation: (Int) -> Int)?

1 1

Classes have a special method that serves as a blueprint for creating objects of that class. What is the method called?

0 2

Which of the following statements about interfaces and abstract classes is NOT correct?

0 2

Which of the following is NOT a Kotlin visibility modifier for properties, methods, etc.?

2 0

Consider this data class:

data class Fish(val name: String, val species:String, val colors:String)

Which of the following is NOT valid code to create and destructure a Fish object?

0 2

Let's say you own a zoo with lots of animals that all need to be taken care of. Which of the following would NOT be part of implementing caretaking?

1 1

Which one of the following returns a copy of a list?

2 0

Which one of these extension functions on class AquariumPlant(val color: String, val size: Int, private val cost: Double, val leafy: Boolean) will give a compiler error?

2 0

Which one of the following is not a place where you can define constants with const val?

0 2

Which of the following is the convention for naming a generic type?

2 0

In Kotlin, SAM stands for:

1 1

Labels in Kotlin are indicated with an identifier followed by:

2 0